

3 publications between 2000 and 2013 indexed
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Works edited

Simek, Rudolf, and Asya Ivanova (eds), Between the islands – and the continent: papers on Hiberno-Scandinavian-continental relations in the Early Middle Ages, Studia Medievalia Septentrionalia, 21, Vienna: Fassbaender, 2013.
Scnhall, Jens Eike, and Rudolf Simek (eds), Speculum regale: der altnorwegische Königsspiegel (Konungs skuggsjá) in der europäischen Tradition, Studia Medievalia Septentrionalia, 5, Vienna: Fassbaender, 2000.

Contributions to edited collections or authored works

Simek, Rudolf, “An Irish princess in Norway - and her German origins”, in: Rudolf Simek, and Asya Ivanova (eds), Between the islands – and the continent: papers on Hiberno-Scandinavian-continental relations in the Early Middle Ages, 21, Vienna: Fassbaender, 2013. 253–270.